
From January 1, new provisions of the contract for specific work

From January 1, new provisions of the contract for specific work
A payer or a natural person is obliged to submit and present documents to the Social Insurance Institution regarding the concluded work under a contract for specific work.

The above obligation does not apply to contracts for specific work:

    - concluded with your own employee,

    - performed for the benefit of their own employer, but concluded with another entity,

    - concluded with persons running a business for the performance of services that fall within the scope of their activity.

Contracts concluded from January 1, 2021 must be entered in the new RUD form (Contract notification
about work). Then, the form should be submitted to ZUS within 7 days of concluding the contract for specific work. This can be done electronically through the Electronic Services Platform (PUE) of ZUS. A separate RUD form must be submitted for each contractor of the work. One RUD form may include a maximum of 10 contracts concluded with one contractor.

Piła district
Promocja gospodarcza Powiatu Pilskiego
Promocja gospodarcza Powiatu Pilskiego
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Project entitled "Economic promotion of the Piła district" project no. RPWP.01.04.02-30-0001 / 18 is carried out by the Piła county in partnership with the Foundation for the Support of Innovation in JST from September 2, 2019 to September 30, 2023 The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund, Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, Priority axis 1 Innovative and competitive economy, Measure 1.4. Internationalization of the regional economy, Sub-measure 1.4.2 Economic promotion of the region.

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