
Support for companies affected by the pandemic

Support for companies affected by the pandemic
Micro and small entrepreneurs by the end of January this year. can submit applications to the County Employment Office in Piła for a subsidy of up to 5,000 PLN. as part of the anti-crisis shield 6.0.
Companies from the following industries can apply for support:

    entertainment (fairs, photography, film, stage),
    physical health (gyms, sports, recreation),
    retail sales.

The following entrepreneurs may apply for a subsidy:

    who as of September 30, 2020. they had the main PKD of their activity related to the indicated industries entered and they did not have suspended business activity on that date,
    with a 40% decrease in revenues in October or November 2020. compared to the corresponding months in 2019

Details: pila.praca.gov.pl

Piła district
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Project entitled "Economic promotion of the Piła district" project no. RPWP.01.04.02-30-0001 / 18 is carried out by the Piła county in partnership with the Foundation for the Support of Innovation in JST from September 2, 2019 to September 30, 2023 The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund, Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, Priority axis 1 Innovative and competitive economy, Measure 1.4. Internationalization of the regional economy, Sub-measure 1.4.2 Economic promotion of the region.

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