
The total value of the project "Economic Promotion of the Pila County"

The total value of the project "Economic Promotion of the Pila County"

The total value of the project "Economic Promotion of the Pila County", implemented by the Pila County in partnership with the Foundation for Innovation Support in Local Government Units, exceeded 1 million PLN, including co-financing from the Greater Poland Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020 (WRPO) amounted to nearly 733,000 PLN. It was the first of two completed projects aimed at internationalizing the regional economy of our county and strengthening its potential in the international arena.

Thanks to the support received, entrepreneurs from Pila County, operating in selected smart specialization sectors, together with representatives of the local government, took part in two foreign economic missions. Companies from the "Industry of Tomorrow" and "Information and Communication Technologies" industries participated the CES International Trade Fair in Las Vegas, USA (January 5-8, 2022). Meanwhile, representatives of the "Interiors of the Future" industry participated in the IMM Trade Fair in Cologne, Germany (June 4-7, 2023). The missions were an opportunity for entrepreneurs to establish business contacts, learn about new markets and potential contractors, which gives them a chance to develop their business on the international arena.

In addition, during the project's, entrepreneurs from Pila County benefited from a series of thematic training sessions aimed at preparing them for expansion into foreign markets. Simultaneously, municipal employees from Pila County expanded their knowledge on attracting and servicing of foreign investors.

Another element of the project was to develop analyses of target markets: Asian (Middle and Far East) and North America in order to maximize the opportunities for economic and investment development of the Piła County in the indicated markets. The developed analyses are a response to the need to deepen knowledge about selected markets, necessary to plan export expansion and attract foreign partners/investors The analyses were developed for selected specializations in the field of smart regional specializations in the Greater Poland Voivodeship.

Additionally, as part of the project, economic and investment promotion for the region was planned and implemented, including a branding campaign in both international and domestic media addressed to foreign investors. The broadcast of a promotional video for Pila County on internet platforms addressed to investors from Germany and the USA lasted for 30 days, and graphic banners on websites were displayed in Germany and the USA.

Thanks to EU funding, the Economic Promotion Portal was also created at https://biznes.powiat.pila.pl/ as a tool for promoting the economy of Pila County, containing panels for investors, small and medium-sized enterprises and local government units. The most important economic information is available here in three languages: Polish, English, and German.

The summary of the project was a nationwide conference, during which the participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the field of doing business on foreign markets, including the American and Middle Eastern markets.

The speakers included: Zuzanna Kobrzyński and Paulina Mieczkowska-Licon from the PAIH Office in Houston, Krzysztof Grabowski, Head of the PAIH Office in New York, Małgorzata Panek-Kasińska (MK Link Business), who presented the potential of the Middle Eastern market and Agata Remfeld (DC CENTRUM sp. z o.o.), who discussed business development prospects for our companies in North American and Asian markets. Participants of the economic mission to Germany also shared their experiences from participating in the IMM Trade Fair in Cologne.

Details about the project are available on the website: Economic Promotion of Pila County - Pila County


Powiat Pilski
Promocja gospodarcza Powiatu Pilskiego
Promocja gospodarcza Powiatu Pilskiego
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Projekt pn. „Promocja gospodarcza Powiatu Pilskiego” nr projektu RPWP.01.04.02-30-0001/18 jest realizowany przez Powiat Pilski w partnerstwie z Fundacją na Rzecz Wsparcia Innowacji w JST w okresie od 2 września 2019 r. do 30 września 2023r. Projekt jest dofinasowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego, Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2014-2020, Osi priorytetowej 1 Innowacyjna i konkurencyjna gospodarka, Działania 1.4. Internacjonalizacja gospodarki regionalnej, Poddziałania 1.4.2 Promocja gospodarcza regionu.

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